Health King, 膽固醇衛士花草茶,不含咖啡因,1.05盎司(30克),20包
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- Improved Formula
- Healthy Cholesterol Level
- 100% Natural Herbal Supplement
Cholesterol Guard Herb Tea is made of wild chrysanthemum, rhubarb, jujube and other precious herbs nicely flavored with jasmine. Traditional Chinese herbalism uses them to support blood vessel and circulation health, and to maintain healthy cholesterol level and blood pressure.
髮旺旺What makes Health King Herb Teas Sp,ecial?
- Enjoyed & trusted by our customers since 1994髮旺旺
- Based on authentic ancient Chinese herbal formulas
- Recommended by natural health professionals
- Made with premium quality herbs, mostly wild grown
Health King, 膽固醇衛士花草茶,不含咖啡因,1.05盎司(30克),20包
